Online Writing Website

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Welcome to Prajapatir Dana Publication

Prajapatir Dana Publication is an online publishing company. We publish online articles, stories, poems and books where everyone from young to old can write. Authors who write poems and stories but they have not had the opportunity to publish in any magazine or anywhere else but they want to print their writings and send them to different people, so we have set up this publication to publish their writings in a very easy way. If you want to write a variety of poems or stories or anything else, you must join Prajapatir Dana Publication. Prajapatir Dana Publication will definitely publish your writing. You will get the right dignity of your writing from us.

Prajapatir Dana Publication also publishes a monthly magazine. If you want to write in this monthly magazine, please contact us now without delay. (CONTACT US)

If you want to publish your writing on our website.... click here

Your every suggestion is very important to us. You can share your opinion with us. (SHARE)